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All children have a right to protection from all forms of abuse.

It is a mandate that all instructors, assistants, helpers and anyone who is in contact with children are fully aware of the content of this policy and their responsibility to adhere to it.

This document will also be made available to parents/carers upon request.

The implementation of this policy is primarily for the protection of the children but also the instructors/assistants/volunteers and as an organisation.

This policy provides definitions, policy statements and guidance on a variety of topics. If anyone has any questions relating to the contents of this policy, or any other question about child safety, they should immediately contact the child protection officer (C.P.O.) whose details can be found at the end of this document.

All members, who are required to read this document, must also sign the acknowledgement slip and return it to the C.P.O.

Role of the Child Protection Officer

Coatbridge TKD has appointed a dedicated child protection officer to:

Definitions of abuse and what to look for


Where an adult fails to meet the child's essential physical needs such as adequate food, warmth, clothing, hygiene etc. It also includes failure to provide an adequately safe environment for the child such as leaving them alone and unsupervised, or exposing them to undue risks or extremes of temperature.

Physical abuse

Where parents, adults or other children deliberately cause injury by such action as hitting, shaking, biting, burning, squeezing or using excessive force. It also includes giving children inappropriate drugs, alcohol or poison, or attempts to suffocate or drown

Physical abuse can also be said to occur if the nature of training is inappropriate to the child's immature and growing body, or predisposes the child to injury from fatigue or overuse. Training that's appropriate for adults may not be right for children.

Emotional abuse

This includes persistent lack of attention or love, shouting, screaming, taunting, sarcasm, over-protection (leading to poor social skills).

In our arena, it also includes making unrealistic demands for achievement, failing to respond to child's efforts or progress. It also includes use of taunts, shouts or sarcasm when teaching that cause the child to lose self-confidence.

Sexual abuse

Both boys and girls are at risk of being sexually abused.

Sexual abuse includes making children take part in full sexual intercourse, masturbation, oral sex, fondling, exposure to pornographic material or making children take part in producing pornographic videos or photography. It also includes suggestions that sexual favours can help (or refusal can hinder) progression in TKD.

Other abuse

Abuse of trust - Where young people are indoctrinated with attitudes to training, drugs, and cheating, social, political, or religious views that are unacceptable to the young person's family.

All kinds of bullying, both verbal and physical, from other children or adults, are a form of abuse. Coatbridge TKD has an anti-bullying policy in place, which should be adhered to at all times.

Identifying abuse

It is not the responsibility of Coatbridge TKD members to decide that child abuse is occurring. It is our responsibility to follow through on any concerns. However, we do need to exercise care. It is possible to find these signs and symptoms in many completely healthy, unabused children.

Possible signs include:

What to do if you suspect abuse

The following is a list of the things that should be done if you suspect abuse, or if a child tells you of abuse


Instructors have a need and right to maintain discipline within their class. However, any disciplinary measures must not compromise the dignity, self-confidence, safety and self-esteem of the child.

Requirements for instructors

The items in this section are mandatory. All instructors must carry them out.